We are now playing at Private Wedding on the 4th O...
Thank you for a brilliant set at Nic’s birthday ...
The Stirrup Cup, Barton S...
8th March 2025

Four guys from different backgrounds, with a wealth of musical experience, have joined together to form a new and exciting band. It's not often that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, but this collaboration of misfits is something that even Simon Cowell wouldn't have comprehended; It just works! Playing carefully selected guitar driven covers from recent years and the occasional old classic, the music is rocky with attitude and passion. Commitment from the entire band delivers an energy filled performance for every occasion.

Remaining professional, enthusiastic and devoted, the band offers a tight, polished and entertaining show not to be missed.

We also have 2M public liability insurance.

For more information and bookings contact us at: -


  Our next gig is in 18 days.  

                                     Dan - 01/12/24, 22:50:52    Jake - 27/09/24, 15:28:44    Ian - 25/12/24, 12:24:24    Dave - 12/06/24, 12:22:39